Grab bag
My grab bag is a collection of stuff that you might find useful. Software in the grab bag will usually work, but release cycles are completely random.
A JEE filter that prevents hot linking (bandwidth leeching). Download as a ZIP file, as a TAR.GZ file and as a TAR.BZ2 file.
An XML-based redirection script. Uses a simple XML file. Download as a ZIP file, as a TAR.GZ file and as a TAR.BZ2 file.
The HashCache is a collision-free hash table that only stores hash codes
from Objects, not the actual Objects themselves. This is useful when the most
frequent operation is contains
– for example in
compilers when you’d like to quickly find out if a token is part of a
list of keywords. Don’t forget to download
the test case.
Create instance of any objects (even things like sun.misc.Unsafe
using Reflection. Doesn’t matter if there are no constructors or the constructors
throw exceptions. Tested and works in a large number of VMs.
Even works in Kaffe! Download as
a ZIP file, as a TAR.GZ file and as
a TAR.BZ2 file.
Unless noted otherwise, all code is licensed under this license, which is an OSI certified Open Source license.
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