BlackBerry Simulators: Enabling JavaScript and CSS

Posted 2008-01-19 in Mobile Web by Johann.

I always get a number of hits from BlackBerry browsers. Fortunately, free BlackBerry emulators are available so I can make sure my sites work as expected.

Installing a BlackBerry Simulator

You need to download one or more “BlackBerry Device Simulators” and the “Email and MDS Services Simulator Package.” Downloading is free after registration.

I had no problems installing multiple device simulators on my computer so you can download simulators for all of the BlackBerry devices you can identify in your log files.

After installation, run the “MDS” application from the “BlackBerry Email and MDS Services Simulators 4.1.4” folder and then start any of the device simulators.

You will be asked to set up your virtual BlackBerry the first time you run a simulator.

Enabling JavaScript and CSS

The BlackBerry browser lets you change several aspects of how the device displays web pages.

  1. Loading JavaScript.
  2. Displaying tables.
  3. Using colors.
  4. Support of Cascading Style Sheets.
  5. What CSS media type to load (handheld or screen).

BlackBerry applications menu

First, select “Applications.”

BlackBerry browser

Then, select “Browser.”

BlackBerry browser options

After loading the browser, select “Options.”

BlackBerry browser settings

Select “Browser Configuration.”

BlackBerry browser configuration

Configure the browser. In this example, I have JavaScript and CSS on. Unfortunately, I have no idea of how the average BlackBerry browser is configured. I would recommend that you identify a small number of sessions and see whether JavaScript and CSS files are loaded.


#1 2008-11-07 by John Hofland, Nebu bv

The download link has expired I think it should be:

#2 2008-11-07 by Johann


thanks, I fixed the link.

#3 2009-01-20 by Clay Gillman

I still don't see how to change between (handheld or screen).
My blackberry always seems to use screen. I don't wee anywhere in the settings to change that.


#4 2009-01-21 by Nathan Bowers

I've downloaded the latest simulators for the Blackberry Storm and Bold. I followed your instructions but there are no browser options for CSS.

#5 2009-01-24 by Johann


I don't have a Blackberry myself. Maybe this is only present in the emulators or some Blackberry models?


can you try the preferences. I don't have emulators for the models you mentioned installed but I think the settings should still be "somewhere."

#6 2009-12-08 by Mike

By default, CSS is turned off. However, I'm told that the Blackberry Bold has CSS turned on by default.


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