Pushme Pullyou – simple DIY octaver, slightly modded

Posted 2007-10-22 in Effects by Johann.

Pushme Pullyou

So I experimented with various transistor types in the Pushme Pullyou which is a simple DIY full-wave rectifier designed by Tim Escobedo. I finally settled on a 2N5089 (NPN Silicon) and a low-gain AC128 (PNP Germanium) transistors in the rectification stage.

The AC128 sounded nice, with a bit more dirt and “Germanium feel” than the AC125 that I also tried. The differences were subtle however.


Pushme Pullyou

The mods I made to the original circuit:

  • No bypass cap.
  • 2 2N5089 transistors, 1 AC128.
  • 0.047 µF input and output capacitors.
  • No 470 Ω resistor.
  • 4.7 µF capacitors in the rectifier.

Pushme Pullyou veroboard layout

The Pushme Pullyou verboard layout I used. The 1 K gain pot and the 50 K output volume pot aren’t included.


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