JFET Preamp/Splitter

Posted 2006-08-27 in Effects by Johann.

JFET Preamp/Splitter

I finished an important part of my Marshall Super Lead-based rig today: A preamp/splitter. The preamp allows me to run longer cable lengths while also providing a little bit of volume boost. It will be placed at the beginning of the chain. The splitter is used to distribute the signal to one of the Super Lead’s two inputs (clean/dirty).

JFET Preamp

The circuit uses a J201 JFET and follows J. Donald Tillman’s “Discrete FET Guitar Preamp” design with some minor modifications to make the amplification more linear.

JFET Preamp/Splitter guts

The obvious gut shot.


#1 2008-06-12 by Ken

Doesn't this have the source and the drain connected together? That wouldn't work.

#2 2009-03-30 by Johann


there's a cut track below C2. Sorry, it's not really visible.

#3 2009-03-30 by Ken

Ok, now it makes sense.

#4 2009-03-30 by jared

you have a 3pdt and don't used a led?

#5 2009-03-30 by Johann


no, I didn't use a LED. I bought 2PDT later but I think I might have had some 3PDTs left.

#6 2009-10-10 by tissit

http://www.runoffgroove.com/fetzervalve.html and the rest of RoG are worth looking at too.


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