lighttpd and Java application servers: integrating JSP and Servlets

Posted 2007-09-09 in WWW by Johann.

In this blog entry, I’ll show you how to integrate lighttpd in a JEE environment. After performing all the changes, lighty will transparently proxy your Java application server.

1. When to use lighttpd

You can use lighttpd to

  • secure access to your application server
  • reduce load on your server by offloading static requests
  • load balance your application servers
  • use lighttpd’s spambot and bad bot blocking capabilities
  • get more request rewriting and redirecting flexibility
  • use the above flexibility to improve your search engine rankings
  • profit.

2. When not to use lighttpd

You might not like lighttpd if you

  • don’t like configuring software
  • use URL rewriting and ;jsessionid.

3. lighttpd modules you need

The following lighty modules are needed:

  • mod_access
  • mod_redirect
  • mod_rewrite
  • mod_proxy

Add them to your server.modules section:

server.modules = (

4. Denying access to JEE directories

The WEB-INF and META-INF directories shouldn’t be accessible through lighttpd. Files from your development environment also shouldn’t be visible.

url.access-deny = ( "WEB-INF", ".classpath", ".project", "META-INF" )

5. Binding your application server to localhost

To prevent duplicate content penalties, your application server shouldn’t be visible from the web. Even if you run it on a high port, someone might eventually find it.

Binding a web site to localhost looks like this in Orion’s <name>-web-site.xml:

<web-site host="" port="12345">
	<frontend host="" port="80"/>

Consult your documentation if you aren’t using Orion.

6. Redirecting www. to non-www. hosts

Even if you don’t really need to do this, I recommend doing so. Removing duplicate content will improve your rankings.

The following snippet redirects all visitors from www.<domain> to <domain> with a 301 permanent redirect.

$HTTP["host"] =~ "^www\.(.*)$" {
 url.redirect = ( "^/(.*)" => "http://%1/$1" )

You should also redirect all additional domains (, to your main domain.

7. Proxying dynamic requests

We will use mod_proxy to proxy some requests to your Java application server.

Depending on your site’s structure, one of the following approaches will work better.

Simple JSP

If all you have is a bunch of Java Server Pages, the following mod_proxy rule is sufficient:

proxy.server = ( ".jsp" =>
  ( "host" => "",
    "port" => "12345"

Note that the JSP must be actual files. You cannot use Servlets mapped to these URIs.


If you use Servlets or more complex applications, you can proxy URIs by prefix:

proxy.server = ( "/blog/" =>
  ( "host" => "",
    "port" => "12345"

Proxying with exceptions

If most of your site is dynamic and you have a directory for static content (/assets, /static or so), you can proxy all requests except requests for static files:

$HTTP["url"] !~ "^/static" {
 proxy.server = ( "" =>
   ( "host" => "",
     "port" => "12345"

8. Rewriting requests

lighttpd can dynamically rewrite requests. I mostly use this to use default.jsp as dynamic index file instead of index.html. Here’s an example:

url.rewrite-once = ( "^(.*)/$" => "$1/default.jsp",
 "^(.*)/([;?]+.*)$" => "$1/default.jsp$2" )

This is visible at and internally rewrites all requests from / to /default.jsp (including jsessionid and query string).

mod_rewrite can also be used to make URLs shorter. For example, to remove the ?page=comments query string, I use the following:

url.rewrite-once = (
 "^/blog/(.*)\.html$" => "/blog/$1.html?page=comments"

9. Redirecting requests

You can use mod_redirect to redirect the user to a different URL. Contrary to mod_rewrite where the request is rewritten, a 301 permanent redirect will be sent to the browser.

In this example, I’m redirecting requests to an old domain to a new domain:

$HTTP["host"] == "" {
 url.redirect = (
  "^/(.*)$" => "$1"

10. More things to be aware of

  • The only IP address in your application server log files should be If you need the original address, log the X-FORWARDED-FOR header.
  • Don’t analyze both lighttpd and application server logs – lighty’s log files already contain all requests.
  • You might want to set up virtual hosts sooner or later.
  • Use mod_expire to make resources cacheable. Doing so can make your site a lot faster and save you money.


#1 2007-09-25 by Piero Sartini

Just want to note that with lighty 1.5 [1] there is ajp13 support in the proxy module (mod_proxy_backend_ajp13).

The ;jsessionid= issue is resolved as well (at least it worked for me after using the right regex).

[1] (

#2 2008-01-24 by Johann


thanks for the linking, I'm looking forward to the 1.5 version of lighty.


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