When to release Software?

Posted 2015-08-06 in Programming by Johann.

I thought about when is a good time to release software and what I came up with is this:

The best time to release software is when you’re confident you can release a better version within a short time period.

The short time period could be as high as a week but probably shouldn’t be much longer than that.

Note that the initial quality of what you’re releasing does not play a role in my definition. I’ve launched very bad looking websites and buggy software. Not a problem if you can release a new version quickly that’s better in some aspect.

In terms of how to make software better, don’t think “adding features.” Features don’t automatically make software better. Instead, make something easier to use by removing options, make the product faster, improve your tracking, add content or – if you’re out of ideas, run an A/B test.

BTW: If you’re interested in the Groovy programming language, check out my Groovy Programming blog.


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